From the Desk of BeeTrue:

"Make reflection a part of your daily activity. It is in doing that you will find the catalyst for evolution."-BeeTrue

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Clear, with white sand contained therein
Wide at top and bottom, middle pulled in
This time capsule, I call it the hourglass of life
We're living the last days and most of us can't tell wrong from right
But time is not on our side
And I keep finding myself in a pool of complacency
But it continues to pass me by
I want to be patient, but still have the nerve to ask God why
And although I know this life and the next will never collide
I'm still drowning from the pull of temptation
Sin surrounds me, and I keep falling
Losing concentration
I lost my equilibrium during contemplation
And the youth think that faith is less important than recreation
So I want to be an example for them
But I'm no better, cause I'm in the same situation
So what can we do as a whole to implement change in a lost nation?
Or teach deen to people who act like they don't
know the laws of Allah's creation
And I'm just so impatient
Trying to remain focused, stationed
Tall, firm, convinced, consistent and in preperation
Because this is a mere journey and it's going to end soon
Time is not waiting for me to get my deeds straight
And it's not going to slow down for me to repent and clean my slate
And sometimes I think, if Kiraaman and Katibeen pause in writing
Maybe I can swiftly flip over my plate
Start anew
Maybe move to a different state
But I know that even after that I'de still slip up again
Because, what do you expect? I'm only human
There's no erasing the marking of Al- Qalam
Or ink of the divine pen
In the Lawhe Mahfooz it was already written
And since I'm accepted by the Ummah as is
I'de rather deny that i'm struggling, relax and join the masses
You know so I figure, maybe I should just give up
Forget it, my glass is half empty
I mean for every bad habit, just give me a dollar and penny
I bet you I'de be rich before the day's ending
But it's ok, because Al-Ghaffar promises to forgive me
And truthfully, I'm never gonna give up
Just begin to supplicate intensely
One day I'll be released
And no longer be
© 2009 Firm Entertainment

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