From the Desk of BeeTrue:

"Make reflection a part of your daily activity. It is in doing that you will find the catalyst for evolution."-BeeTrue

Friday, October 30, 2009

Creating That Bridge

I've been thinking alot lately. Today I was thinking about a story someone related on Facebook the other day, that made me really upset. A brother was commenting about Pink Hijab Day, he said he was in a conversation with a few sisters who were saying that participating in it was un-islamic. This to me, is disturbing for more reasons than one. Let me explain... First, I want to start by saying Islam has already been perfected by Allah, so there is no reason to add to it, nor subtract anything from it. I don't understand why some of us muslims (and I include myself in order to remain humble), act so exclusively. In my understanding of the deen, Islam teaches unity, respect for all, as well as supports the involvement and participation in our respective communites. October 28th, Pink Hijab Day, to me was a way for us to give dawah, help a good cause, and begin to bridge the gap between Mislims and non-Muslims.We are suppose to be teaching others about Islam by being exemplary citizens of our country. How can we do that if we are displaying behaviors similar to extremists. Islam is about moderation in everything you do. You should neither be too extreme, nor too relaxed about the way you practice it's laws. Is it just me, or does it seem too extreme to say that Pink Hijab day is un-islamic, and Muslim ladies should not also bring awareness about, and for this cause?I'd like to mention that my intentions for writing this blog, were not to call anyone out, nor to say anything negative about my Muslim sisters. But, to inspire one to contemplate on why we do things, and what effect it can have on others. Are Muslims not a part of the population which suffer from cancer?<---just rhetoric. Of course we are. I am afflicted by Asthma, so should I not join a support group for those suffering from this condition? I think, in creating unity, we Muslims have GOT to be more accepting of everyone else.How can we say on one hand, that we are not accepted by non-Muslims, yet on the other, act in an exclusive manner towards them. If I can be the voice for a good cause, add diversity to a group, or support someone who is suffering, that I will be and do. The only reason I may not do so, is if I am asked to defy or dishonor my religion, or take off my hijab. THEN we may have a problem! But until then, I wish to play a big role in society. Please Muslim ladies and men, can we work towards unity for the sake of Allah. But, as individuals we must encourage others to do the same. If we are not on the same page, how can we get anyone on our side?Practice what you preach, and learn before you teach. Yeah I just made the second part up, cute huh? LoL! Seriously, to conclude "love conquers all," try to conquer it within you, so that you can spread it wherever you go InshaAllah. And if you have love in your heart for Allah, then it too will reside therein for all of creation.I am working on myself each day, He is not done with me yet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

He said.....

This is what I will be for him........"And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect." Al-Room (30-21) Now reflect on that...........

So, I joined this wonderful site a few weeks back, and it's all about giving for the sake of Allah, and charity. They say "promoting Sadaqah with half a date or a pleasant word," and I don't know about you, but that's something I want to be a part of. So, if you too, want to be a part of this, this is what you can do. If you have an inspirational story about generosity, kindness and giving, which can be about your own experience or someone you know. Send it in. InshaAllah your story will be featured within a month as part of an ebook, which motivates and inspires others to give and act kindly. You can even contribute money to/for this cause, no matter how big or small your donation. And Allah says.... Al Baqarah: Ayat 274
"Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret, and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Here's where you can go:


I guess I just woke up as a total blank today. It's not that nothing is on my mind, or I have no feelings, but I just feel sort of...empty to some degree. Maybe it's me, but sometimes I feel like my connection with Allah is too distant. And the worste part about that, is that I know it's because of me. Because He is never distant, He is always there, He is always close. So I will, reach for Him today, and every day thereafter. He is waiting for me to call on Him.....

Ya Allah......................

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Never, EVER....

Let anyone disguise the beauty of Allah (God). He is with you wherever you are, and no matter what you do. He does not love conditionally. Therefor, His love is ever-existing, ever-merciful, ever-abundant. He is your reason for this short journey, so make sure along the road to never forget Him and your purpose for being here. Which is to find your way back to Him, through Him.

Inspirational thoughts.


Can I find the most happiness,
the most confidence,
the most inner peace.....

With him, through Him.

Friday, October 23, 2009


In doing this, I often-times find my thoughts drifting off into outer space. Today, they brought me to some interesting ideas about the world, and how it is functioning. To me, it seems like we've come a long way, but there's so much more to achieve. Yet there's no time left. Does that mean we give up, or put in more work? For me, it means working until my soul is slipped from my body. I am being the change I want to see, but it's not nearly enough. I'll continue attempting to inspire people until the entire world has become proactive, and works in unison. Will you help me, or not?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


He is like, a metaphor.
Not like one I've met before
My domestic chore
He's a score, like 10!
Touchdown!Field goal!
My heart and soul
He's so....
I can't even describe him
Like the treasure of my island
He's mine and.....I love him.

One word


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"I am" Firm Cipher

I am a poetess
I am an artist
So, excuse me while I introduce myself
I'm gonna play spades with the cards my colleagues just dealt
See, I seek to uplift the people
Your spiritual
And your mental health
I am an artist
I sketch images with an asphalt pencil,
I don't need a stencil for this outline, I'll take it line by line
Or one line at a time
Call me a muralist, cause my wall is as tall as china
But, it's just that I'm finer
I'm like, that, religious reminder
Chrysalis in the mix, now picture this
Pixels couldn't exist without my verbal contribution to the element
I am the relevance
And it's evident that no lyracist is as verbal-genic as this
My photos tell stories of your past untold
Get vividly awaken while the history unfolds
Let your breath go,
Pens drop when I speak because you froze
I'ma rephrase
You're freezing
You're thoughts are on hold cause I'm cold
But I don't scold
I speak softly
Mold minds seeking to find the truth
The future is in the productivity of the youth
So i'm here for you
Call on me and I'll show you the proof
And I don't write with a pen, I write with a lighter
How else could a small-framed poetess spit fire?
Aloof from wordly desire
It's all about the higher
And He's my only reason for being a writer
By the way have you seen my collage?
Including font versatily, Snippets of melody, speech veracity, and that's not even the half of it
It's a montage of thoughts
And I can't even explain it
I mean, my composition is so sick that I'm starting to catch it
So, when I sneeze, please bless it
This is purity, morals, and vicous truth resurrected
I am a poetess

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I like....

Long walks on the beach. (not a cliche, I really do like them).
To stare in to the sky at dawn, or dusk, or ever.
Singing until my throat hurts to strengthen my voice.
Trying something mildy courageous I've never tried before.
Pure essential oils.
Pure body oils.
Chilled fruit.
Chips w/dip.
Acapella songs.
Having fun.

Only a list of a few things. There's no way I could say everything now. Or ever tell everything I like. I find myself to be a versatile person, so the list continues forever.

I would say what I don't like, but I'll leave that for another post, on another day.

Just make sure you continue to read my rights. :)

Just, tell me...

Tell me the truth. From the mouths of the youth.
Tell me, what inspires you.
Because, I'm inspired too.
Just tell it me, or is it you?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is where you can find me

I've been trying to be more focused, and productive lately. It's been working I'll say, 75 percent of the time. I'm writing, recording, and learning alot about myself. I love the fact that life is evolution. At this point I'm growing so much that, I find my emotions are trying to catch up with my mind, or vice versa. I don't know which is growing faster. I started school/college in Spring of 2007, and my life got flipped upside down right afterwards, so I had to discontinue. I decided to go back last Fall. Something happened and i didn't make any of the deadlines to be enrolled. But, this fall, 2009, I'm back. With everything else i'm doing, it's hard to focus on studying...even though I know it should be number one.

I feel that my life experiences are an example of what it is to struggle. To come from nothing, yet never give up on what you want to achieve. When you have been through turmoil and back, you can inspire people, and give hope to those who may want to let go. Oh, and as for "where you can find me," right here writing. Or:,, have so many thoughts in my head, it's becoming a blur....I'm sorry, I have to go now......

Monday, October 12, 2009


80 days? Maybe more.......can I wait? Guess we'll have to wait and see.