I've been trying to be more focused, and productive lately. It's been working I'll say, 75 percent of the time. I'm writing, recording, and learning alot about myself. I love the fact that life is evolution. At this point I'm growing so much that, I find my emotions are trying to catch up with my mind, or vice versa. I don't know which is growing faster. I started school/college in Spring of 2007, and my life got flipped upside down right afterwards, so I had to discontinue. I decided to go back last Fall. Something happened and i didn't make any of the deadlines to be enrolled. But, this fall, 2009, I'm back. With everything else i'm doing, it's hard to focus on studying...even though I know it should be number one.
I feel that my life experiences are an example of what it is to struggle. To come from nothing, yet never give up on what you want to achieve. When you have been through turmoil and back, you can inspire people, and give hope to those who may want to let go. Oh, and as for "where you can find me," right here writing. Or: facebook.com/beetrue, myspace.com/beetruew, youtube.com/beetrue09.........I have so many thoughts in my head, it's becoming a blur....I'm sorry, I have to go now......
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