Just call me UmmIbn, because Umm means Mother of and Ibn means son of, and since I'm the Mother of my son can anyone tell me who he's the son of? A nation that was taught to hate instead of love. I'm tired of history repeating that same old song, no father in the house, and it's been centuries too long. For me to tell that same tired story, complaining about restless nights and days are slowly passing me by, written in permanent ink so I won't ask why. Where is the baton? Abi's getting too old to be a prominent example for Shakur, Salim and Abdus Salaam.
So just call me UmmIbn, because Umm means Mother of and Ibn means son of, and since I'm the Mother of my son can anyone tell me who he's the son of? I have slowly forgotten, because I'm Mother and father, and since Islam is supposed to make the difference I want to know why you chose me to dishonor? See I was raised for that special moment every little girl dreams about, when a man gives his hand, to a man who takes his daughter's hand, and the end result are two hands, locking under the mistletoe of unity. So where is the baton? If you are not around, you can't hand it to Isa, Siddiq and Imran.
So I chose the label UmmIbn, because Umm means Mother of and Ibn means son of, and since I'm the Mother of my son can anyone tell me who he's the son of? My skin is no longer soft and words are not softly-spoken, I am now not the beautiful token of Islam. More like a tired, run down woman, with no protection from this land. I am now aggressive and angry, petite but not dainty, but I can remember those days faintly. Because they were too long ago, and now I have to go, out daily to make ends meet, and I have to deal with Robert, Tom and Pete. While they whisper about my beauty. Because you dropped the baton instead of handing it down to Hassan, Musa and Sha'baan
So my title is UmmIbn, because Umm means Mother of and Ibn means son of, and since I'm the Mother of my son can anyone tell me who he's the son of? There is no father figure, and since my figure is not showing it makes my options slimmer. Islam narrows my mind but I am not narrow minded, The deen dictates I choose, from faith and truth, but if no one is living true, then what is left to do? Soon I'll have to walk into other religious sanctuaries just like christians and jews, and maybe I'll find a Mr. Do and change my last name to don't, so that this time I won't have to play two roles ultimately. So I'll ask once again, where is the Baton? That you were supposed to carry along until it was time, to pass it on to Muzzamil, Qasim and Ridwan?
I'll never give up on you, it's just that I had to make a decision. So just call me UmmIbn.
© 2009 Firm Entertainment
From the Desk of BeeTrue:
"Make reflection a part of your daily activity. It is in doing that you will find the catalyst for evolution."-BeeTrue
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Now I realize that once you start depending on people other than Allah, things never seem to work out as good as you'de like them too. Not saying they can't have a positive outcome, because Allah chooses people as vehicles through which He will manifest things...but the dependence must be on Him, and Him alone. That's when you can reach a state of contentment.
Hmmm, don't take every word I write, or recite, and apply it to me. I don't want anyone walking up to me saying, you said "such and such" but you do, "such and such." I strive to be as real as my peices are, and sometimes I fall short. Each word will testify against me. If I do not at least, make an intention to be half of what they are, what is the purpose of writing? Through the art of writing, I believe there is so much to gain, yet so much to lose. You have to "Bee" real, honest and "True," or else you should not be a writer. In conclusion, keep it real, and place your trust in Him. You're bound to be successful...
Hmmm, don't take every word I write, or recite, and apply it to me. I don't want anyone walking up to me saying, you said "such and such" but you do, "such and such." I strive to be as real as my peices are, and sometimes I fall short. Each word will testify against me. If I do not at least, make an intention to be half of what they are, what is the purpose of writing? Through the art of writing, I believe there is so much to gain, yet so much to lose. You have to "Bee" real, honest and "True," or else you should not be a writer. In conclusion, keep it real, and place your trust in Him. You're bound to be successful...
Monday, July 27, 2009
"Love with Him is transcendent, mysticism, ritualistic spirituality. I can't handle the Him in me, so I try to find the medium in He. But He is beyond mediocrity, He is the beginning and end of me." This short peice is about Allah/God, but also a man. I thought, maybe it is disrespectful to write something that had to do with both. I thought twice, and told myself, maybe not. I think I could make it work. Allah is so much more than words could explain, so I'de rather not try to explain Him at all. But, like I say above, He encompasses all of those things. Our Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says "If I were to command a single person to bow in prostration to another person, I could have commanded a women to bow down ( in obedience and respect , not in worship) to her husband.” Reported by both Bukhari and Muslim. This is a prime example as to why I would reference both Allah and any created being in the same peice. Not to make it seem as though Allah is on the same level, NEVER! More to acknowledge the respect that is owed to man/men. All too often I think we ladies get the short end of the stick, but I feel just as strongly about men these days. A man is deserving of much more than what women these days give. And if there is no God in your life, then there should be no man. If you do not understand who God is, then you can not, and will not understand the role a man should play in your life. "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."-Author unknown. I love this quote because it is so true. There is always a medium to find. Loving and respecting a man should never take precedence over God, but he should not be disregarded either. In fact, God is first and your husband comes thereafter. Even a spiritual leader, no matter what creed you belong to, comes after your husband, in many situations. It's so important to know and understand this, and when I look around me, so few women do. Some see it as oppression, or getting played, or belittling yourself. When it is none of the sort. I feel so blessed to have been able to understand this in so. Hmm, my way of writing is so choppy unless it is for a formal purpose. Because my thoughts are so sporadic I can't help it, I want you to know how my mind works. From your's truly.....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Clear, with white sand contained therein
Wide at top and bottom, middle pulled in
This time capsule, I call it the hourglass of life
We're living the last days and most of us can't tell wrong from right
But time is not on our side
And I keep finding myself in a pool of complacency
But it continues to pass me by
I want to be patient, but still have the nerve to ask God why
And although I know this life and the next will never collide
I'm still drowning from the pull of temptation
Sin surrounds me, and I keep falling
Losing concentration
I lost my equilibrium during contemplation
And the youth think that faith is less important than recreation
So I want to be an example for them
But I'm no better, cause I'm in the same situation
So what can we do as a whole to implement change in a lost nation?
Or teach deen to people who act like they don't
know the laws of Allah's creation
And I'm just so impatient
Trying to remain focused, stationed
Tall, firm, convinced, consistent and in preperation
Because this is a mere journey and it's going to end soon
Time is not waiting for me to get my deeds straight
And it's not going to slow down for me to repent and clean my slate
And sometimes I think, if Kiraaman and Katibeen pause in writing
Maybe I can swiftly flip over my plate
Start anew
Maybe move to a different state
But I know that even after that I'de still slip up again
Because, what do you expect? I'm only human
There's no erasing the marking of Al- Qalam
Or ink of the divine pen
In the Lawhe Mahfooz it was already written
And since I'm accepted by the Ummah as is
I'de rather deny that i'm struggling, relax and join the masses
You know so I figure, maybe I should just give up
Forget it, my glass is half empty
I mean for every bad habit, just give me a dollar and penny
I bet you I'de be rich before the day's ending
But it's ok, because Al-Ghaffar promises to forgive me
And truthfully, I'm never gonna give up
Just begin to supplicate intensely
One day I'll be released
And no longer be
Wide at top and bottom, middle pulled in
This time capsule, I call it the hourglass of life
We're living the last days and most of us can't tell wrong from right
But time is not on our side
And I keep finding myself in a pool of complacency
But it continues to pass me by
I want to be patient, but still have the nerve to ask God why
And although I know this life and the next will never collide
I'm still drowning from the pull of temptation
Sin surrounds me, and I keep falling
Losing concentration
I lost my equilibrium during contemplation
And the youth think that faith is less important than recreation
So I want to be an example for them
But I'm no better, cause I'm in the same situation
So what can we do as a whole to implement change in a lost nation?
Or teach deen to people who act like they don't
know the laws of Allah's creation
And I'm just so impatient
Trying to remain focused, stationed
Tall, firm, convinced, consistent and in preperation
Because this is a mere journey and it's going to end soon
Time is not waiting for me to get my deeds straight
And it's not going to slow down for me to repent and clean my slate
And sometimes I think, if Kiraaman and Katibeen pause in writing
Maybe I can swiftly flip over my plate
Start anew
Maybe move to a different state
But I know that even after that I'de still slip up again
Because, what do you expect? I'm only human
There's no erasing the marking of Al- Qalam
Or ink of the divine pen
In the Lawhe Mahfooz it was already written
And since I'm accepted by the Ummah as is
I'de rather deny that i'm struggling, relax and join the masses
You know so I figure, maybe I should just give up
Forget it, my glass is half empty
I mean for every bad habit, just give me a dollar and penny
I bet you I'de be rich before the day's ending
But it's ok, because Al-Ghaffar promises to forgive me
And truthfully, I'm never gonna give up
Just begin to supplicate intensely
One day I'll be released
And no longer be
© 2009 Firm Entertainment
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hello, my name is Bee Watts, I am ** yrs. old and I have an addiction. My therapist told me to put down my pen, but I didn't understand why, so I didn't listen. He told me to get a pencil, contemplate my feelings, then use it to depict'em. I said "I'm sorry I can't, only pens work magic in my book cause they have the best diction."
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Weave....

Please, let me quote a talented writer here...
"for the love of the lost, the hate of the law, and the love of Allah I fear none but one."
Indeed this (picture) must be a prime example of "the lost." Ladies and gentlemen, why do we accept this? This is a poor representation of a woman. It's un-real, un-realistic, and un-acceptable, all in one. I don't believe there is one man on this earth that finds this attractive. I'm torn between thinking being genuine is so unimportant these days that no one cares enough to even give it a try, and, that real women feel the need to compete with the artificial women that walk the streets of Hollywood. It's ashame! This society will not change unless we, the people, demand it to change. Instead of us worrying about whether or not someone accepts who we really are, we have to begin the process of accepting who we are, as we are. I was just so disappointed when I saw this today, I felt obligated to share it with everyone.
8 Bars For You
In this o-cean we are floa-tin in love. When, will we make it happen?
I'm explod-in with emo-tion, you and my feel-ins keep me enchanted
Love, you have me mesmerized, have me hypnotized, do you realize?
Love, grab a rope and tie, it for you and I, representing souls synchronized
My confession, complete expression, no second guessin, can you hear me?
My complexion, your perfection, me expecting, succes and longevity
This is an epiphany, now I can clearly see, that you and me, must believe
In the reality, of the epitome, that us is we, in love for eternity
I'm explod-in with emo-tion, you and my feel-ins keep me enchanted
Love, you have me mesmerized, have me hypnotized, do you realize?
Love, grab a rope and tie, it for you and I, representing souls synchronized
My confession, complete expression, no second guessin, can you hear me?
My complexion, your perfection, me expecting, succes and longevity
This is an epiphany, now I can clearly see, that you and me, must believe
In the reality, of the epitome, that us is we, in love for eternity
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Word
- I will not be categorized as anything. There are many things I am, but many more I'm not, so do not try to box me up. You see I am a Muslim lady, with purpose and mission on the tip of my pen. So I pick up my paper and I write. I write the description, hereby explaining to you in scripting, the plan for my life. Praying, speaking, spreading the light. This motion picture is taking flight. And my sight sees so far my dreams it outlives. So with these words I'll inspire and unify our father Adams kids.
- I will not be your cover girl. But this covered girl will be the leading example for ladies all over the world. My firm beliefs moves the minds and hearts of the youthful and the wise. This passion you see in my eyes is not a statement. Merely a mental state, meant to motivate you, It's hard when you deny the truth so don't try to. Listen with your heart and it will lead you in the right direction.
- I will not be bound by your derogatory terms. I'm not a terrorist, extremist, jihadist, supremacist, but an activist I am. And I'm just acting through poetry so you can understand Islam. My way of life does not encompass compulsion. My way through strife is through purity and devotion. This universe will be my stage and I'll traverse it with my poetry. Leave powerful expressions in ya mind so next time we meet you'll know it's me. You can call me BeeTrue and poetess if you'de like, but I'm nothing more than a slave, with some paper, a pen and a mic.
- And I'm the first lady of the Firm Movement. It's the Firm, move, meant to bridge the gaps of the Ummah; And I'm ready to move in unison. This unit sends a message to the people, and it's just the beginning so listen. From lips to ears verses travel through air, impressing upon you this commitment. And I'm not committed to the people, my loyalty is to the word. Just like the subject predicate owns the verb, this is about taking a stand to be firm.
© 2009 Firm Entertainment
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